Company was established in 2011 for market research, marketing & PR, also working in trade, consulting and finance. From 2012 we offer consulting in HoReCa industry.
Recognising the moment of growing turistic demand in the area and lack of inbound tourist agencies, in 2016 we added new activity to our portfolio and since 2019, premium service, bpm MUSIC.CHANNEL.
ready for new experience?

Hlebinska 1, Bjelovar, HR-43000
OIB/VAT HR89234695704
bpm travel d.o.o. za turizam, trgovinu, usluge i turistička agencija
Igor Prka, voditelj poslovanja/direktor
office@bpmtravel.eu//tel-fax +38543440678//+385914447010
Radno vrijeme sa strankama: pon-čet 8-15
MBS 010080838//ID HR-AB-43-010080838//IBAN HR3424840081105757154
Nadležno tijelo čijem službenom nadzoru podliježe djelatnost turističke agencije u obavljanju i pružanju usluga u turizmu je Državni inspektorat, Šubićeva 29, 10000 Zagreb.