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sweet corner of green croatia
bilogora papuk moslavina
destination management company

Sunrise over the Wheat Field

Wild Path

Nature is not a place to visit.
It's home.
Gary Snyder
Our mountains are rich in flora and fauna, and cultural content as well. You can engage in hunting, fishing, horseback riding, participate in cultural and historical events, visit the vine route, the spa with thermal water, art galleries, ancient forts and archaeological sites in area which is inhabited since the first humans arrived in Europe .
Naše gore obiluju biljnim i životinjskim svijetom, ali i kulturnim sadržajima. Možete se baviti lovom, ribolovom, jahanjem, sudjelovati u zabavnim kulturno-povijesnim manifestacijama, obići vinsku ceste, posjetiti lječilišta s termalnom vodom, umjetničke galerije, stare utvrde i arheološka nalazišta kraja koji je naseljen od kako su prvi ljudi stigli u Europu.
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