Tim stručnjaka s višegodišnjim iskustvom u HoReCa industriji pružit će vam dragocjene savjete i podijeliti stručno znanje s ljudima koji će biti najvažniji za uspjeh vašeg poduzetničkog pothvata u ugostiteljstvu i turizmu.
A team of experts with years of experience in the HoReCa industry will provide you with valuable advice and share expert knowledge with people who will be most important to the success of your entrepreneurial venture in hospitality and tourism.

Odabir i obuka osoblja
(konobari, kuhari, voditelji)
Odabir i nabava opreme
Osmišljavanje karte
Odabir i nabava namirnica/robe
Uhodavanje posla
Selection and training of staff
(waiters, chefs, managers)
Selection and supply of equipment
Card creating
Selection and supply of foodstuffs / goods
Getting started