Paved road, gravel or single track, mtb, touring bike, e-bike...you name it, we have it. Tailor made packages with your or our bike, accommodation, meals, excursions, transfer...
And certified guides!
In 2023. we've marked more than 80km of gravel routes on Bilogora.
Asfalt, gravel ili šuma, mtb, touring bicikl, e-bike...
Paketi izrađeni po mjeri uz vaš ili naš bicikl, smještaj, obroke, izlete, transfer ...
I certificirane vodiče!
2023. obilježili smo više od 80 km gravel ruta.

Getting away from traffic on quieter roads and car-free trails can lead to spectacular places. Gravel riding tends to take you further off the beaten track than road cycling and usually covers greater distances than most mountain bike rides. All BILOgravel routes start at the watchtower above the Veliko Trojstvo, which is the start and finish of the BILOgravel Challenge Marathon. Follow the BILOgravel markings on all routes! The junctions of shorter routes are additionally numbered 25, 40 and 60. The routes can be joined anywhere because all BIOgravel routes are circular. Alternative routes are also marked, which increases the possibilities of driving BILOgravel routes to more than 400 km. Alternative directions are marked with ALT.
Udaljavanje od prometa na mirnije ceste i staze bez automobila, može odvesti do spektakularnih mjesta. Gravel vožnja obično odvede dalje od utabanih staza nego cestovni biciklizam i obično pokriva veće udaljenosti od većine vožnji brdskim biciklima. Sve BILOgravel rute počinju na vidikovcu iznad Velikog Trojstva koji je start i cilj BILOgravel Challenge Marathona. Na svim rutama pratite BILOgravel oznake! Spojevi kraćih ruta dodatno su označeni brojevima 25, 40 i 60. Na rute se može priključiti bilo gdje jer sve su BIOgravel rute kružne. Obilježeni su alternativni smjerovi što povećava mogućnosti vožnje BILOgravel rutama na više od 400 km. Alternativni smjerovi označeni su s ALT.
sweet corner of green croatia
bilogora papuk moslavina